Ad Auris

Converting visitors into users

The call for change.

Ad Auris, a pioneer in AI-powered audio content creation, came to us with an ambitious vision: to redefine their digital presence. As industry leaders in transforming written content into high-quality audio using advanced AI and natural language processing, they needed a website that not only reflected their market position but also showcased their technological prowess.

Despite their cutting-edge technology, Ad Auris faced a critical challenge. Their existing website fell short in communicating the company's unique value proposition and struggled to convert visitors into users. It was clear that change was needed.

As the Lead Designer for this project, I was responsible for the comprehensive redesign of their website, strengthening their brand identity and boosting sign-ups for their demo.

Ad Auris, a pioneer in AI-powered audio content creation, came to us with an ambitious vision: to redefine their digital presence. As industry leaders in transforming written content into high-quality audio using advanced AI and natural language processing, they needed a website that not only reflected their market position but also showcased their technological prowess.

Despite their cutting-edge technology, Ad Auris faced a critical challenge. Their existing website fell short in communicating the company's unique value proposition and struggled to convert visitors into users. It was clear that change was needed.

As the Lead Designer for this project, I was responsible for the comprehensive redesign of their website, strengthening their brand identity and boosting sign-ups for their demo.





My Role

Lead Designer

What I Did

Visual Design

User Research

Interaction Design


Design Strategy


Q4 2023


Realigning Ad Auris' digital presence.

Uncovering the gaps.

The existing website and the call for change.

The existing website and the call for change.

The initial meeting with the Ad Auris team revealed a significant disconnect: their website wasn't reflecting the full potential of their platform. Despite offering powerful tools, the site felt disjointed and failed to convey the company's true strengths.

My goal was to identify the key issues affecting the site's performance, and to lay the groundwork for a redesign that would effectively showcase Ad Auris' offerings.

Misrepresented Capabilities

The hero section undersells Ad Auris, portraying it as a basic transcription tool rather than a sophisticated content transformation platform.

Misrepresented Capabilities

The hero section undersells Ad Auris, portraying it as a basic transcription tool rather than a sophisticated content transformation platform.

Misrepresented Capabilities

The hero section undersells Ad Auris, portraying it as a basic transcription tool rather than a sophisticated content transformation platform.

Misrepresented Capabilities

The hero section undersells Ad Auris, portraying it as a basic transcription tool rather than a sophisticated content transformation platform.

Fragmented UX

These social proof elements, while valuable, disrupt the user journey by prematurely directing visitors away from the site whenever they press the "play" button.

Fragmented UX

These social proof elements, while valuable, disrupt the user journey by prematurely directing visitors away from the site whenever they press the "play" button.

Fragmented UX

These social proof elements, while valuable, disrupt the user journey by prematurely directing visitors away from the site whenever they press the "play" button.

Fragmented UX

These social proof elements, while valuable, disrupt the user journey by prematurely directing visitors away from the site whenever they press the "play" button.

Unreliable Demo

The current demo suffers from a low 50% success rate due to technical complications.

Unreliable Demo

The current demo suffers from a low 50% success rate due to technical complications.

Unreliable Demo

The current demo suffers from a low 50% success rate due to technical complications.

Unreliable Demo

The current demo suffers from a low 50% success rate due to technical complications.

Some of our key objectives for this project.

Increase Sign-ups

Create a clear and intuitive user journey that would guide visitors towards scheduling a live demo.

Increase Sign-ups

Create a clear and intuitive user journey that would guide visitors towards scheduling a live demo.

Increase Sign-ups

Create a clear and intuitive user journey that would guide visitors towards scheduling a live demo.

Increase Sign-ups

Create a clear and intuitive user journey that would guide visitors towards scheduling a live demo.

Increase Engagement

Captivate and convert different types of users more effectively through tailored messaging.

Increase Engagement

Captivate and convert different types of users more effectively through tailored messaging.

Increase Engagement

Captivate and convert different types of users more effectively through tailored messaging.

Increase Engagement

Captivate and convert different types of users more effectively through tailored messaging.

Increase Interactivity

We needed to showcase the power of Ad Auris through engaging and interactive elements.

Increase Interactivity

We needed to showcase the power of Ad Auris through engaging and interactive elements.

Increase Interactivity

We needed to showcase the power of Ad Auris through engaging and interactable elements.

Increase Interactivity

We needed to showcase the power of Ad Auris through engaging and interactive elements.


Orchestrating the redesign.

Laying the groundwork.

To kick things off, I first recognized the importance of thoroughly understanding their audience. This involved laying a solid foundation through stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, user research, and a detailed review of website analytics.

This approach enabled us to identify user drop-off points, define our target audience, and discover the most effective ways to engage them.

Quick and messy personas

Workshops to learn more about their competitors and users

Testing out different versions of our interactive demo

Refining the vision.

As the primary point of contact, I maintained open communication with the Ad Auris team throughout the design process. Regular check-ins allowed me to gather feedback and stay aligned with their vision.

This led to numerous experiments with different colour palettes and value propositions. My goal was to create a demo that would "wow" without overwhelming - striking the perfect balance between showcasing the technology and ensuring approachability.

It took a little while to get things feeling "right"


Meet the new Ad Auris.

Using motion to communicate our value prop.

I wanted visitors to grasp Ad Auris at a glance without getting bogged down by technical jargon. To achieve this, I implemented a scroll animation that creates a visual experience where written content seamlessly transforms into audio in real-time.

The hero scroll animation

Bringing the experience to life.

Beyond the scroll animation, I designed several animated visuals to highlight our key features. These interactive elements provide users with a hands-on preview of Ad Auris' capabilities, allowing them to explore and engage with the platform's potential.

The demo further enhances interactivity by letting visitors choose from various content types. They can watch text being transcribed and listen to the transformed content.

Animated and interactive feature cards

The interactive demo

Setting the team up for success.

Alongside the full redesign, I created comprehensive style guides detailing our colour palette, typography, and fully prototyped components. These resources enable the team to seamlessly implement consistent design elements across their dashboards and other products.

Colours and different sized buttons for desktop and mobile

Other sections of the website


Post-launch, results showed that we had a significant increase in engagement and sign-ups.







A nice shout-out from the Ad Auris team 😊

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